Monday, June 15, 2009


This morning was business as usual, except that Nikko actually ate some of the banana slices that I offered him. He hasn't done that for almost two weeks now, so I was careful in pacing myself with the fork and the slices. While he finally did refuse to accept them from me, he did finish off what was left on his plate before he departed for the living room. Unfortunately, all meals after that were based on bread and butter.

The only other significant thing that happened today was in the Pilot on the way home from Woodfield Mall. I had just looked over my left shoulder at nothing, really, when I heard a little voice say, "No." It sounded like Ronin, but it came over my left shoulder. I turned my head and said, "Did you say No, Nikko?" He didn't look at me, and continued to look up at the trains on the DVD screen. I swear it was Nikko, probably said it randomly, but it was a crystal clear No to me. I asked aloud if Nikko said it, and a little voice over my right shoulder squeaked, "No!" Now that was Ronin. He squeaked it again and again like a smiling parrot, but I was smiling and laughing because I knew that the one No I heard was from Nikko. He may never say it again, but I really hope he will.

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