Thursday, August 13, 2009

Some small accomplishments

Perhaps Nikko's late night last night caused him to sleep in a bit, but we all woke up around 9am! VERY late for us (Denis went to work around 6:30). Nikko even got tired around 11am and took a nap, which threw off lunch. Our timing today was all off. Still, we managed to make it to mom's house by almost 4, stayed until 6, just to have snack and hang out for a little bit. The boys were behaved and Audrey was crawling everywhere.

At home, Nikko didn't seem very lively today. It's probably because he was tired from the day before. But he was still animated enough to flip pages of books and jump around in front of the mirrors. At night, down in the basement with Denis and the rest of us, he was practicing jumping over a cylindrical toy he placed on the floor. He would stand in front of it, jump with two feet off the ground and land right behind it. Denis said he looked like he was doing one of those Olympic jumps into a sand box. It says a lot to me that his coordination and balance is getting really good. Another noteworthy action today is that Nikko was trying very hard to put on his Crocs when I mentioned it was time to go outside. I think his Crocs just fit him so it's harder to scootch his toes upward, whereas Ronin's are a bit bigger for him. Finally, on two occasions today I was giving kisses and told Nikko to kiss Audrey. And he did, with a purposeful lean-in toward her cheek. I praised him for each one. Yea!

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