Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cheetos puffs

We were supposed to move the bed and crib today, but it didn't happen. Not even really sure why, but the timing was all off. Soon after lunch we decided to make a Jewel/Costco run for groceries, right in the middle of Ronin's naptime, so he fell asleep in the basket of the cart at Costco. At Jewel, I was walking Nikko with Ronin in the cart when he suddenly handed me a bag of Cheetos puffs. I guess I should be glad it was a small bag, but he was so fixated on it that a lollipop wouldn't calm him down. We made it home later, but just didn't get around to the crib thing. I think we are determined to do it tomorrow morning, then have some lunch, and then possibly go to the River Forest Nature Center. We'll try to do that as a Valentine's Day activity. Nikko was totally resisting taking a bath tonight. We're going to have to change it up to see if it's the bath or if it's Denis giving him a bath that he's against. Too many changes in one day? Hmmmmm.

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